Hiraki sawa migration meaning

  • Hiraki Sawa – U.S. Department of State - Art in Embassies

    The study examines the works of nine East Asian artists: Ai Weiwei, Liu Hung, Wu Peng, Kim Soo-ja, Suh Do Ho, Shin Kyungmi, Wu Yu-wen, Shiota Chiharu, and Hiraki Sawa, comparing the content of their works with Ravenstein’s theory of migration characteristics.

    Representation of Immigration in the Art of Contemporary East ...

    Hiraki Sawa explores time, memory, migration, and his own position within the world. Watching a friend who suddenly goes through amnesia, the artist’s inspiration is drawn from lifetime memories from childhood memories of playing on a rocking horse to his identity as an immigrant outside living between two cultures.

    Hiraki Sawa - Taguchi Art Collection

      Hiraki Sawa is best known for his early, silent animated works Dwelling () and Migration () in which people, vehicles and animals pass through greyscale landscapes filmed in domestic settings. These videos are both banal yet surprising through Sawa’s interventions.

    Hiraki Sawa – Kadist

    In Hiraki Sawa’s evocative single- and multi-channel videos, the artist explores time, memory, migration, displacement, and his own position in the world. Incorporating animation and still shots in his work, he interweaves fantasy and reality, drawing heavily from his life experiences.

  • PODO MUSEUM EN Hiraki Sawa’s videos explore psychological landscapes, unexpected worlds and the interweaving of domestic and imaginary spaces. Populated with animals, inanimate objects and people, his characters search for their ‘place’ in the universe as he explores ideas of memory, displacement and migration.
  • Hiraki Sawa | Artist | Zabludowicz Collection The study examines the works of nine East Asian artists: Ai Weiwei, Liu Hung, Wu Peng, Kim Soo-ja, Suh Do Ho, Shin Kyungmi, Wu Yu-wen, Shiota Chiharu, and Hiraki Sawa, comparing the content of their works with Ravenstein’s theory of migration characteristics.
  • Hiraki Sawa - Artists - James Cohan Hiraki Sawa Sawa’s videos explore psychological landscapes, unexpected worlds, and the interweaving of domestic and imaginary spaces. Populated with animals, inanimate objects, and people, his characters search for their “place” in the universe as he explores ideas of memory, displacement, and migration.

    London-based Japanese artist Hiraki Sawa’s video installations and filmic works probe landscapes, psychological dreamlands, domestic interiors, imaginary spaces, ideas of displacement and migration, and above all, the inner self.

  • hiraki sawa migration meaning
  • Hiraki Sawa's videos explore psychological landscapes, unexpected worlds and the interweaving of domestic and imaginary spaces. London-based, Japanese artist Hiraki Sawa’s videos explore psychological landscapes, unexpected worlds and the interweaving of domestic and imaginary spaces. Populated with animals, inanimate objects and people, his characters search for their ‘place’ in the universe as he explores ideas of memory, displacement and migration.
  • They conjure a solitary apartment dweller's drifting, multiple thoughts—a transportation in and of the mind, including random memories, hopes, nagging reminders. Hiraki Sawa explores time, memory, migration, and his own position within the world. Watching a friend who suddenly goes through amnesia, the artist’s inspiration is drawn from lifetime memories from childhood memories of playing on a rocking horse to his identity as an immigrant outside living between two cultures.
  • Sawa grew up in Japan, and for the past eight years he has lived in London. In Hiraki Sawa’s evocative single- and multi-channel videos, the artist explores time, memory, migration, displacement, and his own position in the world. Incorporating animation and still shots in his work, he interweaves fantasy and reality, drawing heavily from his life experiences.